Poll Reveals 60% of LA County Voters Support Proposed Measure to Reform and Increase Accountability for Critical Homelessness and Affordable Housing Programs
The citizen-led initiative would increase affordable housing, mental health, and substance abuse treatment and legally require results.
According to polling released today by The Angeleno Project, most Angelenos would support a ballot measure to reform and increase accountability and funding for critical investments in homelessness and housing programs and services. The polling conducted by David Binder Research reveals that a majority of voters also support an expansion of resources for mental health and substance abuse programs and expedited housing for those living on the streets or most at risk of falling into homelessness.
Below is a summary of key data points.
Sixty percent of Angelenos would support a ballot measure that terminates the existing quarter-cent sales tax and replaces it with a half-cent tax that provides funding for homelessness programs.

Voter Attitudes About Spending on Homelessness
When asked about the goals of the ballot measure…
73% of poll respondents expressed that building more affordable housing is “extremely” or “very” important to them.

78% expressed that the preservation of EXISTING affordable housing is extremely important

75% believe that increasing substance abuse treatment for those experiencing homelessness should be an important part of this ballot measure

A majority of those surveyed want to see an increase in mental health treatment for those experiencing homelessness.

76% believe that housing people currently living in street encampments is “extremely” or “very important

Local Municipalities:
An overwhelming majority of those surveyed believe funding each of LA County’s 88 cities to combat homelessness in their local communities is important.

Here are other issues Angelenos expressed are “extremely” or “very” important for them to address
Reducing the cost of building affordable housing and housing for the homeless :

Stopping County Jail from serving as our biggest homeless shelter:

Creating pathways out of poverty through good paying jobs in the construction industry with local hire and training for LA county residents:

The poll surveyed a representative sample of 800 likely voters in LA County.
The polling follows a recent study by The Angeleno Project in partnership with the California Housing Partnership. That study found that 80% of low-income renters in Los Angeles are severely burdened with housing costs, spending more than 50% of their income on rent. “The Hard Facts: LA Homelessness and Housing by the Numbers 2023” also revealed that as housing costs continue to rise, supply is severely behind demand, and LA is short some 270,000 affordable housing units to meet current demand.
Click here to Download our Press Release
To learn more about the proposed ballot measure visit affordablelacounty.com
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