
Combined percentage of people experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles that identify as Black, Brown, and Indigenous.

35 Years

The length of time it will take to fill the 500,000-unit affordable housing gap at the current pace of construction.


Percentage of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness in LA that have access to stable interim housing.

To meet the needs of this moment in our city, we need to house people faster, alleviate the severe shortage of affordable housing, and integrate comprehensive services for those who need them.

Los Angeles has the largest number of people experiencing homelessness in the nation, now outpacing New York. The humanitarian crisis of people without access to housing in Los Angeles is a national issue.

Additionally, in the face of extreme climate and medical challenges, unsheltered homelessness is resulting in death and severe medical conditions. The National Alliance to End Homelessness found that 84 percent of unsheltered individuals report health conditions compared with 19 percent of sheltered or housed individuals.

Los Angeles suffers from a consistent and severe shortage of affordable housing, but also from a fragmented collection of bureaucracies that stifle access to this housing.


Homelessness is a by-product of the structural racism of past policies, from redlining and segregation to down-zoning and litmus tests for access to housing assistance. Bureaucracy and red tape have historically impacted and marginalized Black and Brown people. We seek bold action and systems change to bring solutions to house Angelenos at-scale.

We also seek to alleviate structural and bureaucratic issues that prevent us from building housing quickly and get people into housing. We are focused on solutions driven by data and lived expertise that reverse the tide of disproportionate and discriminatory practices, as well as solutions that focus on a surge of housing to alleviate suffering now, rather than ten or twenty years from now.

“No policy issue is more pressing than the rapidly escalating crisis of people experiencing homelessness and our failure to create a comprehensive system to reverse its trajectory.”

– Sarah Dusseault, Chair of the Housing Justice Action Team


Join us to become a part of bold change as we seek to get people into housing faster and unlock reforms to address housing needs at-scale for all Angelenos.

Meet The Funders



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