We are a group of leaders—convened for our government, nonprofit, business, and lived expertise—for whom data is our call to arms.
Los Angeles has the most significant number of people experiencing homelessness in the nation, now outpacing New York. The humanitarian crisis of people without access to housing in Los Angeles is a national issue. The California Housing Partnership estimates a shortage of about 500,000 affordable housing units for LA County’s 800,000 low-income and extremely low-income residents. According to McKinsey & Co. in Affordable housing in Los Angeles: Delivering more—and doing it faster, at the current pace of construction, it would take more than
35 years to construct 500,000 units of affordable housing.
Angelenos cannot wait this long for these issues to be mitigated. However, policymakers and stakeholders also need data to inform their decisions. Our Housing Justice Action Team is ready to meet that need by releasing its next landmark report, tentatively titled The Los Angeles Affordable Housing Factbook, this Fall. Produced in partnership with the California Housing Partnership, this research will assess the amount of affordable housing currently available properly and in use in the City of Los Angeles.
Our singular outcome is implementing new systems guaranteeing equity, justice, and opportunity for every Angeleno.
We develop solutions outside of government, yet in recognition and support of the power of government to improve people’s lives. We hope this, too, will help leaders and city departments make expeditious decisions to address our housing affordability crisis in Los Angeles.
Follow us on social media @TheAngelenoProject and sign up for updates here.
About the California Housing Project:
The California Housing Partnership is unique in combining on-the-ground technical assistance with policy leadership at the state and national level to increase the supply of affordable homes in California. The Partnership is a “do-and-think-tank” that uses the experience gained from helping numerous nonprofit and local government partners leverage $30 billion to create 85,000 affordable and sustainable homes over the past 30 years to provide expert finance and policy technical assistance. We are the trusted advisor to these mission-driven organizations, helping them envision and execute multilayered plans for creating and preserving sustainable affordable rental housing. We are also the trusted advisor to many state leaders who implement laws and programs to provide necessary housing resources, and the state and local government housing organizations that allocate these resources.
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